

11 กรกฎาคม 2553

Install Apache 2.2.x SSL on Windows

Install Apache 2.2.x SSL on Windows

To install Apache 2.2.x SSL is very easy. SSL package has been already attached to Appserv project. This tutorial will tell you how to create a self-signed certificate which is secure, but will cause web browsers to issue a warning, because it will not signed by a trusted Certificate Authority such as Geo Trust or Verisign. Follow the steps below:
  1. download and install Appserv
  2. copy ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll from directory C:\AppServ\Apache2.2\bin to C:\Windows\System32
  3. copy openssl.cnf (or download here) to C:\AppServ\Apache2.2\bin
  4. open command line to create a pricate certificate by the following commands 
    • #cd c:\AppServ\Apache2.2\bin
    • #openssl req -config openssl.cnf -new -out mycert.csr -keyout mycert.pem
    • #openssl rsa -in mycert.pem -out mycert.key
    • #openssl x509 -in mycert.csr -out mycert.cert -req -signkey mycert.key -days 365
    • The certificate file mycert.cert and mycert.key will be created (note that, pass pharse is "pass")
  5. create a new folder C:\AppServ\Apache2.2\conf\ssl, and then copy mycert.cert and mycert.key from c:\AppServ\Apache2.2\bin to it
  6. open httpd.conf, and change "Listen 80" to "Listen 443"   
  7. at httpd.conf, remove the "#" sign at a single line "LoadModule ssl_module ..."  
  8. at httpd.conf, add the code below to the end of the file 
  9. restart apache and try to access https://localhost

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