

16 ธันวาคม 2561

Android utility app for Pokemon Go user

If you play Pokemon Go game. I would like to suggest the utility app for you. The "go app" on Android play store (

You can search for each your favorite pokemons by filtering the type, pokemon name and sort by your prefered criteria.

When you open the app, you will see the result like this in the 1st time.

In the pokemon type dropdown, you can filter the type that you want to filter.

In the sort drop down, you can perform sorting by the condition that you want.

In the example below, I will filter pokemon type to "water" and sort by "cp", the result will look like this image.

In the example below, I will filter the pokemon name that contain "poli" only.

You can see pokemon detail by clicking each pokemon card. The example below, I click poliwag.
I can see basic information including the shiny form image.

I can see the pokemon move list like this.

I can also see the type counter for this pokemon and see the evolution forms of this pokemon.

This app is free to use on Android Play store (

If you like it, please review the app for me and provide feed back.

