

17 สิงหาคม 2563

MongoDB query join multiple collections using aggregate

MongoDB aggregate allows us to query and join multiple collections (like JOIN in SQL).

Sample Usage 

Let say, we have 3 collections like this

// customers collection
id: "c1",
name: "Robert Tee",
created: new Date()

// tickets collection
id: "t1",
seats: ["A1", "A2"],
customerId: "c1",
merchantId: "m1"
created: new Date()

// merchants collection
id: "m1",
name: "Merchant One"
created: new Date()

We would like to see the last ticket of the merchant "Merchant One" of the customer name "Robert Tee".

We can use the following MongoDB query command

// finding the last ticket of merchant ""Merchant One""
// of customer name "Robert Tee",
// filter by customer name
{ $match: { "name": "Robert Tee" }},
// join tickets colletion
$lookup: {
from: "tickets",
localField: "id",
as: "ticket"
{ $unwind: {
path: "$ticket",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
// join merchants colletion
$lookup: {
from: "merchants",
localField: "ticket.merchantId",
foreignField: "id",
as: "merchant"
{ $unwind: {
path: "$merchant",
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: false
// filter by merchant short name
{ $match: { "": "Merchant One" }},
// order by created desc
{ $sort: { "ticket.created": -1}},
// get 1
{ $limit: 1 }

